I recorded a podcast interview with a Date with Darkness several years ago (I think around 2017!), but it was not released until last week as part of their “lost episodes” series. The episode is about recognizing different types of abuse, especially regarding domestic violence. Listen to the interview (Apple or Spotify) or watch it …
Category: trauma
Book Review: The Nervous System Workbook
My latest book review is for Deb Dana‘s the Nervous System Workbook. I have been a fan of Deb Dana’s writing for the past few years and thus eagerly purchased this book right when it came out. It is a great addition to her other books. I highly recommend it! The Purpose of the Nervous …
Book Review: You Lied to Me About God
“Tell me all the things you’d like to do but you can’t ‘Cause you’re scared that you’re goin’ to hell.” – “Apple Tree Blues” by Caamp The above lyrics happened to catch my attention in the same time period that I was reading Doctor Jamie Marich’s memoir about spiritual abuse and religious trauma, …
Book Review: EMDR And Creative Arts Therapies
The book I’m reviewing here not only scratches my psychology nerd itch mentioned in my prior book review, it also scratches my itch for the two main modalities I use: EMDR and creative arts therapies (CATs). Even though many of us creative arts therapists have been blending creative approaches with EMDR for years, no such book …
CalmiGo Review
As a drama therapist and trauma therapist, I love tangible objects that help ease anxiety and bring us back into the present moment. I recently agreed to be a CalmiGo affiliate* after checking out the device and the company because I really love and appreciate what they do to help people decrease anxiety. Video Review …
Book Review: Dissociation Made Simple
I call myself a psychology nerd because even beyond what’s necessary for my career as a therapist I love to learn about psychology-related matters. I choose to constantly learn about such matters through books, podcasts, and other forms of media. I recently had the opportunity to receive copies of two amazing psychology books in exchange …
Podcast Interview: Creative Therapy Umbrella
I recently had the honor of having an interview on the podcast Creative Therapy Umbrella. The podcast is hosted by music therapist Kate Shannon. It focuses on various types of creative therapies, especially the creative arts therapies and play therapy. During the interview, Kate and I talk about the following: My work in private practice …
Creative Arts Therapies: Examples and Interventions
Article Contributors (for consultation about dance, music, and art therapy): Rachel Wagner-Cantine, LCPC, BC-DMT Alyssa Wilkins, MT-BC Eleni S. Liossis, Psy.D., ATR, LPC In a previous post, we explored the umbrella term “creative arts therapies” as well as the six types of creative arts therapies that fall under the term (which will be referred …
5 Ways to Cope with Sadness as a Vegan
I was driving on a highway during a recent trip out of state, and I got extremely excited to see three different vegan-related billboards. Two had images of animals and had messages about compassion and veganism, and one displayed food images for a restaurant and prominently read “vegetarian and vegan options”. The reason that these …
How To Cope With Being Vegan In a Non-Vegan Workplace
Vegans are often in the minority at work and have unique challenges to face. These include: Being excluded. This happens accidentally, such as when a person ordering food for an event does not think to include vegan options. It also happens purposely when non-vegan co-workers consciously exclude vegans. Being questioned. Sometimes this is done innocently and …