Category: thriving

Book Review: the Couples Communication Handbook

I’m back with another book review, which is of Raffi Bilek’s the Couples Communication Handbook. It is easy to read, personable, informative, and even funny at times! Informative about Couples Communication from the Start I like that the book starts off with a note about marriage, relationships, and partnerships being interchangeable so that readers understand …

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Book Review: The Nervous System Workbook

My latest book review is for Deb Dana‘s the Nervous System Workbook. I have been a fan of Deb Dana’s writing for the past few years and thus eagerly purchased this book right when it came out. It is a great addition to her other books. I highly recommend it! The Purpose of the Nervous …

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How to Make a Digital Vision Board

I have been facilitating vision board workshops every January since 2017. I was considering skipping doing them this coming January because, quite frankly, 2020 has been rough for me like it has for so many people. However, I got too many requests that I couldn’t pass on the opportunities to lead these workshops that I …

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Winter Meditation: Tapping into the Rest and Renewal of the Season

I am sharing this winter meditation with the hope that it will bring you much peace, comfort, and relaxation. I also hope that it helps you be more present. Winter is often difficult for many people because of the shorter, colder days… and is even more difficult in this year of the pandemic and other …

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Autumn Meditation: Letting Go and Accepting Change

I am sharing this autumn meditation with the hope that it will help you connect with your senses and feel more present in your body while also helping you imagine letting go of stress. It may also help you embrace change. Although we all know that change is a natural part of life, this year …

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Interview on “Therapy Jam Session”

My friend and colleague, Karen Helfrich of Avalon Psychotherapy Associates, invited me to be a guest on “Therapy Jam Session.” We had fun geeking out about various mental health topics! Check out the interview if you: Want to learn about drama therapy (including examples of how I use it in sessions) Want to learn about why …

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Creative Ways to Practice Deep Breathing: Part 2

In last month’s article, I provided information about why deep breathing is healthy as well as about things to keep in mind when practicing deep breathing. I also shared some ways to practice deep breathing. This article covers several other ways to do deep breathing. PEACE breathing Appeal to the inner hippie in you with …

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Using Creative Techniques to Harness the Healing Powers of the Ocean

Last month’s article was inspired by time I have spent walking amongst trees this summer, and this month’s article is inspired by time I spent near the Atlantic Ocean recently. In much the same way that trees often cause me to experience awe and peace, oceans also often cause me to experience these same feelings. …

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