Category: depression

Creative Ways to Practice Deep Breathing: Part 2

In last month’s article, I provided information about why deep breathing is healthy as well as about things to keep in mind when practicing deep breathing. I also shared some ways to practice deep breathing. This article covers several other ways to do deep breathing. PEACE breathing Appeal to the inner hippie in you with …

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Creative Ways to Practice Deep Breathing: Part 1

Deep breathing is one of the most popular healthy coping skills that gets talked about, and with good reason. Multiple studies show that it has numerous physical and mental health benefits. It decreases pain, reduces blood pressure, increases energy levels, reduces inflammation, improves digestion, increases detoxification by stimulating the lymphatic system, relaxes the body and …

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Using Creative Techniques to Harness the Healing Powers of the Ocean

Last month’s article was inspired by time I have spent walking amongst trees this summer, and this month’s article is inspired by time I spent near the Atlantic Ocean recently. In much the same way that trees often cause me to experience awe and peace, oceans also often cause me to experience these same feelings. …

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The Healing ROLE of Animals

My family lost our beloved cat, Dribbles (pictured above), this month. As is the case with many companion animals it’s hard to pinpoint his exact age due to the nature of his rescue story, but he was with my family for over 20 years. Dribbles was my favorite companion animal, and I will miss him …

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5 Creative Ways to Deal with Anxiety and Depression

You already know the common ways to deal with anxiety, depression, and stress… things like deep breathing, meditation, relaxation, taking a shower or bath, listening to music, watching something funny, taking a walk, exercising, etc. But maybe these common tips don’t always work for you, or maybe you are looking to try some new things …

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15 Songs to Help You Cheer Up (Especially When You Don’t Have Access to Your Therapist!)

Although I am a drama therapist, I firmly believe that all of the arts are healing. As I mentioned on my FAQ page, music was actually the first type of art that I became passionate about. Music remains one of the things that brings me the most joy in life. I learned long ago that …

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