I’m back with another book review, which is of Raffi Bilek’s the Couples Communication Handbook. It is easy to read, personable, informative, and even funny at times! Informative about Couples Communication from the Start I like that the book starts off with a note about marriage, relationships, and partnerships being interchangeable so that readers understand …
Category: book reviews
Book Review: The Nervous System Workbook
My latest book review is for Deb Dana‘s the Nervous System Workbook. I have been a fan of Deb Dana’s writing for the past few years and thus eagerly purchased this book right when it came out. It is a great addition to her other books. I highly recommend it! The Purpose of the Nervous …
Book Review: You Lied to Me About God
“Tell me all the things you’d like to do but you can’t ‘Cause you’re scared that you’re goin’ to hell.” – “Apple Tree Blues” by Caamp The above lyrics happened to catch my attention in the same time period that I was reading Doctor Jamie Marich’s memoir about spiritual abuse and religious trauma, …
Book Review: EMDR And Creative Arts Therapies
The book I’m reviewing here not only scratches my psychology nerd itch mentioned in my prior book review, it also scratches my itch for the two main modalities I use: EMDR and creative arts therapies (CATs). Even though many of us creative arts therapists have been blending creative approaches with EMDR for years, no such book …
Book Review: Dissociation Made Simple
I call myself a psychology nerd because even beyond what’s necessary for my career as a therapist I love to learn about psychology-related matters. I choose to constantly learn about such matters through books, podcasts, and other forms of media. I recently had the opportunity to receive copies of two amazing psychology books in exchange …