I spent last weekend in bliss at a Peace in the Wild nature retreat led by a therapist colleague, and my time there inspired me to write about a topic that I have thought about for a long time. As someone who has often felt the healing power of nature, I have frequently found myself …
Drama Therapy Interview on the Therapy Chat Podcast
I am pleased to share that I was interviewed on the Therapy Chat podcast! I spoke about what drama therapy is and how it benefits people. I have received a lot of positive feedback from people who have listened to it, and they have told me that it really helped them understand drama therapy more. …
5 Creative Ways to Deal with Anxiety and Depression
You already know the common ways to deal with anxiety, depression, and stress… things like deep breathing, meditation, relaxation, taking a shower or bath, listening to music, watching something funny, taking a walk, exercising, etc. But maybe these common tips don’t always work for you, or maybe you are looking to try some new things …
Blast from the Past: When I was on ABC2 News Talking about Women, Abuse, and My Work as a Therapist Who Helps Survivors of Abuse
When I worked at TurnAround in Baltimore Country as a trauma / abuse therapist, I was sought out to be on the local news twice because of my expertise. Today I came across one of those times, which is this 2011 news clip of me talking about how common sexual assault and domestic violence are …
My Tips for Highly Successful People Were Featured in Bustle Magazine!
Bustle magazine featured two of my tips for highly successful people! Being a drama therapist who constantly uses creativity, it was easy for me to share some of the unique ways that I encourage my clients to practice healthy habits to help them be successful. Follow this link to see my tips about practicing mindfulness …
That Time that My Tip for Calming Anxiety Was Featured in a Livestrong Article
I recently came across this Livestrong article that I was quoted in and realized that I never wrote about being featured in it. Since the tip I offered is one of my favorite ones and is one that many of my clients benefit from, I figured that it would be helpful to share the article …
What Do YOU Need to Blossom Like a Flower?
Today I enjoyed the long-awaited spring weather by taking a walk at a local arboretum. As I admired the daffodils that were growing throughout the park, I was reminded of some activities that I sometimes do with clients to help them examine what they need to grow. It occurred to me that I could share …
15 Songs to Help You Cheer Up (Especially When You Don’t Have Access to Your Therapist!)
Although I am a drama therapist, I firmly believe that all of the arts are healing. As I mentioned on my FAQ page, music was actually the first type of art that I became passionate about. Music remains one of the things that brings me the most joy in life. I learned long ago that …
Drama Therapy 101, Part 5: The Healing Power of Rituals in Drama Therapy
During this holiday season, you have probably engaged in many rituals without even thinking about it. You participated in holiday rituals if you did any of the following: celebrated one or more holidays, decorated your home with holiday objects, ate traditional holiday foods, gathered with family and friends to celebrate holidays, attended religious services, exchanged …
Drama Therapy 101, Part 4: Strengthening the Mind and Body Connection through Embodiment
Have you noticed that when you feel happy you feel present in your body and experience pleasurable feelings in it? Have you also noticed that when you feel upset you feel disconnected from your body or experience unpleasant feelings in it (e.g. nausea, tension, pain, sweating, or heaviness)? The first sentence describes the idea of …